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Thursday, June 27, 2024

Practicing Gratitude

Saying Thank You ... Often

I get it. We live in a very busy world, and it seems like things are not getting any less busy no matter how many time-saving tech gadgets we throw at them. I'm guilty of dropping the ball now and then, or putting down that load for a while to decompress.

Life as an author can be stressful. We have to balance our craft, often with a family, a day job, and a social life. Somewhere in there, we might get a little sleep.

You might not think it, but there's one thing you can do which will take some time, but improve the rest of the time you spend on tasks ... and that's to practice gratitude. Before you get started with your day, you might think about three things that make you thankful. It could be something as simple as that first sip of coffee. (Or a pretty coffee cup. Or the existence of coffee.)

How to Make an Author's Day

Today was a busy day at the day job, and that's after very little sleep. It's no stretch to say I lived on caffeine today just to get the work done. I came home just about running on empty. I had a couple of things to do tonight before I was allowed to relax, and while I was at it, I popped online to check my book reviews (Yes, I do read them!).

What I found was a lovely review for WATER, and it was such a gift after a long day. Not only did the reviewer like the book, but they also mentioned how much they were looking forward to reading more of my work. That made my soul happy today. Reviews are the elixir of life to an author, and they revive flagging spirits as well as any magical potion.

Thank You

So, today I want to thank that reviewer from the bottom of my heart. It was a very kind thing to do, and while it might seem like a little thing ... it's not. Thank you so much for your thoughtfulness.

Happy Reading, gang!

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