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Sunday, January 07, 2018

The Power of Yes

It's often said that to be a "yes man" is a negative thing. This is a person who responds with an unqualified yes to everything you say, no matter how outlandish or incorrect (see sycophant). People say it's healthy to have a certain amount of argument and opposition.

It's true that blind agreement with an opinion is unwise. However, I feel that a certain amount of affirmation toward others is a good thing. In a world of divisiveness and negative press, it can mean a lot to have someone respond to you in a positive way. Don't get me wrong; I don't mean that you should agree with everything others say, but it's not a bad thing to seek and respond to the positive in another person's viewpoint (or at least acknowledge it if you can find common ground). Rather than respond with a knee-jerk need to point out the "wrong" in another person's statement, which promotes the feeling of social difference, try responding to comments where you might share some commonality.

This goes for more than those comments on social media, and more importantly, it affects how you see yourself. Telling yourself "yes" can have a wonderful effect on your self-image and overall mood. Learning to respond to life in the positive promotes a can-do attitude. You're not ignoring the difficulties. There are no rose-colored glasses. There is just an attitude of willingness to try, to see the possible benefits (not only in connection with others, but in your own abilities, when that "yes" is self-directed).

It's hard enough to get by these days when everyone is telling you no. Think how much you could do, and how much we could do together, if you start saying yes!

Monday, January 01, 2018

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year! I hope this year brings you happiness and good health. As always, I'm hoping to finish a book, but this year, it'll be different: I'm working on a college-age New Adult book rather than romance! This book's main character first "spoke" to me several years ago, at four o'clock in the morning, and refused to stop talking until I got up and began writing. Those are the kind of characters you want: the ones who tell you their story and all you need to do is take dictation! I'm very excited about this book, and I hope you will be, too. Keep an eye out, because I will let you know as soon as I have news about it!

Enjoy your 2018!