Happy Earth Day!
I hope you're doing something outdoorsy today - at least for a little while. I spent last weekend planting flower and vegetable seeds in preparation for the growing season. I've already got some sprouts! I can't wait to get out there into my butterfly garden and positively pack it with butterfly-friendly flowers. I've started spinach, lettuce, and beet greens in my raised bed greenhouse, and the warmer-season seeds like beans, peppers, and tomatoes in peat pots indoors.
Free Book!
The Earth Day Giveaway is still going on, and there aren't a lot of entries yet, so if you're looking for a free read this spring, what better way than to fill out the simple form at this link, and tell me what you're up to this Earth Day? Click here to enter: https://nickigreenwood.wufoo.com/forms/nickigreenwoodcom-earth-day-giveaway/
Have a terrific Earth Day, everyone!