We Have A Winner!Congratulations to Janice of Gloversville, NY, who has won a sweet little gift basket containing a signed digital Advanced Reading Copy of EARTH! The basket (a $25 value) also includes an organic scented candle and a canister of Green and Black's organic Hot Chocolate mix. Yum! This lovely basket was donated to the
2010 CNYRW Mini-Con. Click the picture below for a larger view!

Keep an eye on this blog for announcements of future prizes and upcoming book signings. I'll list them all here as they come up. Congratulations again to Janice, and Happy Reading!
Bob MayerThe 2010 CNYRW Mini-Con was a great, information-packed event! Speaker Bob Mayer is a NY Times Bestselling author, and he had a lot to say on the world of publishing and our roles in it as authors. I found his military, strategist approach to writing extremely eye-opening. He spoke a lot about finding, facing, and using our greatest fears, and channeling them into the passion we need in our writing. I especially found a resonance in his talk about expanding our comfort zones by way of repeated exposure. As a writer, I have trouble with this, and I think most of us would prefer to hide behind our computers and let our books/manuscripts do the talking.
But we can't.
Networking and getting your face, brand, and platform remembered are a big part of such a small business. I'm dead scared of getting up in front of people and talking about myself. But that's something I need to get comfortable with, now that my book's about to come out. Now is the time to start generating a response, so that by the time EARTH is released, I'll have people who want to read it. Bob said that we could have the best manuscript in the world, but it won't mean anything if no one knows about it. And he's right - so if I keep pushing myself past that fraidy-cat envelope, eventually I will be comfortable doing so.
We can't succeed if we don't try. Thank you, Bob, for a truly motivating two days!